Little Loudspeakers Academy Learn Through Play!

Jean Piaget, the renowned developmental psychologist, argued that, “play is the answer to how anything new comes about.” Our programs are developed around this very idea. We have designed our courses to allow our students to learn public speaking and debate through play.

We create opportunities for children to discover their own voice, creativity, and self-expression through play. Our teachers are not simply purveyors of knowledge and technique, but they become nurturers and mentors of curiosity and imagination.

When a child is at play, there are not on a break from learning. But as the famous Mr. Rogers explains, “for children play is serious learning.” Play allows children to let their own curiosity drive their learning.

In a safe environment like Little Loudspeakers Academy, learning through play, takes away the fear of not being perfect. They can choose to embrace the trial and error aspect of learning something new.

The other key component of play that allows for deep learning is the natural reflection and revision that happens through play. During play we are more likely to be open to change our approach or try new things to get better results.

Play also allows students to discover their own techniques and expression. Children are more likely to have ownership of concepts learned through self-discovery than those they inherit from the others. Public speaking is something learned best by doing.

But making this doing fun and playful, allows children to abandon their fear and to delve right in.

So dive into our playful courses! And as always don’t forget to give us your comments.

– Prof. Anju Vriksha