Find Your Voice with Little Loudspeakers Academy Public Speaking and Debate Programs

It is no secret that glossophobia, or the fear of speaking in public is the number one fear of most people. Most people take false comfort in the idea that they will never have to do public speaking. Public speaking is not for just a select few. It is for everyone to do.

At some point of our lives, we will have to give a speech, formal or informal, long or short. You might be asked to give a presentation at school or work. You might be invited to give a toast at a wedding. You may need to pitch a new idea at work or convince an employer to take you on for your dream job. When that occasion arises, our classes at Little Loudspeakers Academy can help you a great deal.

Public speaking and debate only seems like niche activity, because most people never give it a try. Most try to avoid the situation or delegate the job to someone who seems more capable or confident at it. With our help, that could be you or your child. We offer classes for adults and for children.

You might be wondering why we teach public speaking to children. What advantages might that have? Here are a few advantages of teaching public speaking and debate to children:

1. Academic Success- the most obvious reason is that public speaking training and background will give your child a competitive edge over their peers. Not many students have training and experience in this field and it will make your child stand out. Learning to speak well goes hand in hand with becoming a better listener and writer. Your child’s overall communication skills will improve and that will translate to better performance at school overall.

2. Overcoming the fear of Public Speaking-When introduced to public speaking in a friendly and safe environment, children can work on overcoming their fear. A lot of people’s speech anxiety is rooted in traumatic public speaking experiences that people have had in their childhood. By giving your child our training, they never have to be traumatized by public speaking.

3. Increase your child’s confidence- Public speaking training leads to better self esteem in all people, young and old. Giving a good speech makes you feel good about your self. And that coupled with positive feedback from the audience can be an invaluable source of validation and confidence for your child.

4. Leadership skills- Public speaking will become the gateway for your child to find their own voice and to develop their sense of agency. They will begin to see themselves as person who can voice any idea and can influence and bring about change in their world. We can all agree that we want children to grow up to become the movers and shakers of our world.

5. Improve their relationships with others- Becoming a better communicator will definitely improve your child’s relationships with their peers, teachers, mentors, and family. The biggest by product of learn how to speak well, is learning how to listen well. We all know that is the key to building healthy and meaningful relationships.

So wait no longer, stop by or register today with Little Loudspeakers Academy to give yourself or your children the gift of public speaking.

~Prof. Anju Vriksha