Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, “Outliers,” claims that it takes roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. While there is some debate whether or not 10,000 hours is too little or too much, it is undeniable that deliberate practice over time will lead to mastery. To be achieve this level of mastery in public speaking, the prescription is the same, consistent, deliberate and meaningful practice.

Introduce your child to public speaking at a young age. Give them many opportunities to try it. With meaningful and effective coaching like the one you get at Little Loudspeakers Academy, your child can be on the path achieving mastery in public speaking.

We will teach them how to build a routine to practice their public speaking. Students will learn to build their own warm up routines. They will learn practice exercises form us and ideas and tips for organizing their thoughts. They will learn to compose effective speeches. We will teach them good vocal  and presentational skills.

But the results they see will be directly correlated to the effort they put into the program. With consistent effort and our coaching, your child can achieve mastery in public speaking.

Don’t wait any longer, enroll your child in our public speaking courses today. For more information, visit


– Prof. Anju Vriksha