Make Friends with your Fear

The biggest problem that my students encounter with public speaking is glossophobia, or the fear of speaking in public. That is the number one fear of most people. Sounds strange, right? But many of us are stopped and even paralyzed by this fear. The first step in becoming a powerful orator is to overcome or manage this fear. We should not allow this fear to make you feel that you do not deserve the success you want, because you do.

When faced with standing up in front of a group, we break into a sweat because we are afraid of rejection.  And at a primal level, the fear is so great because we are not merely afraid of being embarrassed, or judged.  We are afraid of being rejected from the social group, ostracized and left to defend ourselves all on our own.  We fear ostracism still so much today it seems, fearing it more than death, because not so long ago getting kicked out of the group probably really was a death sentence.

The truth is that everyone experiences some level of anxiety while performing. Meg Cabot, the author of Princess Diaries reminds us, “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.”

We need to stop viewing this fear as the enemy and start making friends with this fear. When we experience this fear, our body experiences a surge of adrenaline. We can channel this adrenaline to it into excitement and energy around your message. You can use your glassophobia, in the right way to inspire your audience. From here you can develop  a deep confidence in public speaking. Once you realize the hold fear has over you and the causes of said fear, you can begin to fear public speaking less and deliver your powerful message to the world.

It is a little known secret that anybody can become a great orator. As I have said on several occasions, with the right coaching and effort everyone is capable of being great at public speaking. Great public speakers are not born. They are made. No matter what sort of speaker you are now, you can become a better one. You can learn how to give memorable and effective speeches that will have your audience leaning forward, eager to hear more.

If you want to become more confident at public speaking, why not join one of our public speaking courses? You’re most welcome! Join Little Loudspeakers Academy

– Prof. Anju Vriksha