Chasing your Child’s Creativity

Summer is time for creativity for me. Summer to me is a time of inspiration. This season more any other fills me with a sense of freedom and adventure. I am sure that my students also eagerly await this season, the season of freedom, play and adventure. For many parents, this is a time for finding meaningful, productive and enriching activities for students.

Our summer courses at Little Loudspeakers Academy attempts to satisfy both parents and students alike. We customize our lessons to nurture and enhance the natural creativity of our students. Our lessons are taught through play and make public speaking the perfect adventure for the summer. We help students to follow their curiosities to build a speech of their own. Students are free to choose their own topic to explore and ultimately leave them more confident to take on any adventure that awaits them.

Enroll your child in the perfect summer time activity: our summer camps at Little Loudspeakers Academy

– Prof. Anju Vriksha