SUMMER CAMP 2024 ONLINE DEBATE 9-14 YRS (1:20 pm to 3:20 pm pst) 7/15-7/19, 2024


Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $175.00.

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Public forum is a two on two debate where students debate a topic set by the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) every two months within a year. It is competitive and most debaters love competing because they enjoy planning strategies on how to try to outwit their opponents by responding to arguments and questions. It involves a myriad of delivery forms like persuasive, impromptu, and extemporaneous. The objective of a public forum debate is critical and analytical thinking. They will use statistics and numbers, they will learn controversial issues surround our world, and understand different cultures while researching.

In this class, students will learn how to:

  1.  Craft and organize a case according to NSDA rules,
  2. conduct in-depth research,
  3.  refute and respond to their adversaries,
  4. and, how to have fun at the same time.

Students will learn to analyze a topic by doing historical research, outweigh the good versus the bad, establish their arguments based on what they believe to be superior, and by making it difficult for the opponents to respond. They will also learn how to take good notes thereby making them better listeners as well.


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